
Hello, let me introduce myself,
I am Ben and I am 5!

I love my family and my best friends. Telling stories is my favourite but sometimes I get impatient when I have to wait my turn. I am creative and curious, I like exploring and experimenting using different and new materials. I can count to 20 and write numbers to 5. Going outside is still a time of the day that I love the most, playing with balls, jumping a rope, and playing with hula-hoop. Sometimes I get angry, but usually I am pretty good at thinking before I act!

My day is fulfilled with these:

  • Music/Dancing
  • Yoga
  • Exercising – Sport Basic
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Feel it
  • Circle time/Story Telling
  • STEM
  • Home Caring


Kittens' Mittens is a child care provider with focusing curriculum on a child's positive experiences through play, exploring and experimenting. We offer full and part-time child care programs for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and kindergartens.


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